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Move further in your fitness journey with the camaraderie of a class.
Sweat it out together when you join any of our group exercise classes. From bootcamp to barre, there’s something for everybody and every body. And whichever group ex class you pick, you’ll be in good company with an instructor to get you moving and a community to keep you motivated.

Click anywhere below to review our group fitness class offerings.
FOAM ROLLStretching and Mobility done right! In this 25-minute class, our trainers lead you through a series of foam rolling and stretching techniques. Going beyond the traditional passive and static stretching our Foam Roll class will teach you to not only how to ‘stretch’ better, but also allow you to move better. Great as a warmup or a cool down, this class will be sure to give your tight and sore muscles exactly what they need. Come hang out and relax, we think you’ll like the way we roll.
BOOTY BY BENo need to hit up the grocery store for peaches, be’s got you covered. Booty by be takes you through a variety of strength training circuits designed with one main goal: building a STRONG lower half. This leg-heavy training session pushes you through the traditional lifting movements as well as their fun variations. Using bars, bands, and bells our trainers make sure to leave your buns burning and your legs like lead (in a good way, of course). In combination with HIIT and core specific circuits, Booty by be provides a complete lower body workout. You must try this class…no ifs, ands, or buts.
CARDIOSurf and Turf? Here at be FITNESS, we prefer a good Bike and Boat? In this high-intensity conditioning class push yourself and your heart rate to new heights throughout a partner-based training session. Averaging about 5,000 meters per class, participants row and pedal in a constant race against themselves. A refreshing twist on most people’s idea of ‘cardio’, be Cardio is sure to get you sweaty and make you smile. Come take this class for a spin and experience how fun and satisfying conditioning work can be!
FUNCTIONALDuration: 60 minutes Focus: Strength/Core Strength/ Flexibility and Stability Functional class provides members with an hour of quality movement that is meant to target the major components of fitness. Coordination, flexibility, stability, strength and stamina will be addressed and challenged during this 60-minute class. Beginning with a focused warm-up that will restore natural and functional movement to areas often neglected, this class ramps up in intensity as the hour progresses by athletic movements and plyometrics with traditional weight training. Functional class will challenge you in a variety of ways!
BE BOXINGDuration: 60 minutes Focus: Cardiovascular Conditioning/HIIT Be boxing is a fitness-based boxing class. It is a unique workout that teaches boxing techniques while simultaneously providing a killer strength and conditioning workout. The use of punching bags, speed bags, and hand pads provides a workout scale able for participants of all levels. Come join us for this hard-hitting class to smash stress and take your fitness to the next level!
SWEATDuration: 60 minutes Focus: Strength/Cardiovascular Conditioning/HIIT SWEAT is a high intensity strength and conditioning class that focuses on increasing strength, cardiovascular endurance, and introducing functional movements patterns. This circuit-based class keeps you moving between strength movements and short bouts of cardio. You’ll use all types of equipment from barbells, dumbbells, and kettlebells to bands, medicine balls, and conditioning machines. Challenge yourself and come get your SWEAT on!
TRXDuration: 60 minutes Focus: Strength/Core Strength & Development “Make your body your machine.” TRX is a form of suspension training that uses body weight exercises to develop strength, balance, flexibility and core stability simultaneously. Using the TRX Suspension Trainer, a training tool that leverages gravity and uses your bodyweight to provide external resistance. This ultra-versatile tool keeps you moving between upper, lower, and total body movements with minimal transition time and also provides many scale-able options. Great for beginners as well as experienced fitness junkies.
CARDIO / STRENGTHDuration: 60 minutes Focus: Cardiovascular Conditioning/HIIT Cardio Strength provides an intense endurance and conditioning program that will challenge you both physically and mentally, requiring you to dig deep as your push through your row, run, or cycle. Driven by a competitive atmosphere, this will be sure to take your current conditioning to the next level. Work hard week to week and see your times, endurance, and physical capacity improve. Learn to embrace the challenge as well as embracing the feeling of accomplishment once you finish. Recommended for members looking for a true cardiovascular challenge!
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